Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Leaving ... on a ...

Well more like in a silver Murano. Today I am packing and getting ready for my last trip to Utah before the baby comes. I walked into my room this morning and found Bryson doing this ... Can you tell he is excited to go to see Grandma and Grandpa?

For updates with our little one ...

HE TURNED! SO we are going to try a VBAC ...
I am confident in my doctor, and he seems really optimistic that I can do it ... so we will try.

I will most likely deliver the first week in June ... tomorrow would be great ... but I am told that patience is a virtue, and I guess I can wait :0

And last ... some of you blog followers are probably wondering ... WHAT THE HECK ... she doesn't update her blog for a week and a half, and now there are tons of posts I have never seen. The truth is that I had most of them written, but was waiting on a picture, or to finish it up ... and then it got outdated. Life has just taken over lately and I am so overwhelmed with everything. Rather than see my posts go to waist, I decided to finish up the posts I have been working on ... so be sure to look through them. LOL


Mindy said...

From a woman who recently had a VBAC, you can do it!!! I loved it! You'll feel so good after.. but I did love my c-section too :) Just remember to have your husband give you a blessing :) That is one of the reasons I wasn't scared out of my brain to do it!

Anonymous said...

I had a VBAC after two c-sections. You can do it! Just trust yourself and your doctors. :) And, if you need another c-section, that's okay. The important thing is bringing home that new baby.

Diamond in the Rough said...

You'll do great. I hear you on the patience thing. I wish my baby would just come too :) the end of pregnancy gets so hard some days. Good luck and hang in there. Love reading your blog :)