A few weeks back I bought my dear friend Camille's cookbook, that I told you about a few weeks ago. It has all the portions for a single serving of food and has become my inspiration to want to cook again for my family.
Adam was home last night, so I decided to make the "Pot Pie" for my little family. So I made a few adjustments so that I could make more than one dish, and it turned out AMAZING! Such a great fall food addition to our family meal list.
I have been going through recipes lately and really trying to find the best way to organize everything. Do you struggle some weeks to figure out what to cook like I do? I am on the search for finding a great way to organize my recipes and so it is easy to find great things to cook for dinner, both nights when Adam is home, and for the nights he is at school. I would love to hear your suggestions ... and in a few weeks, I will unveil my conclusion of how I decide to organize! (Don't worry, you can expect it will be something cute :)
PS ... Got a call yesterday from Studio 5. It looks like the voting worked after all. Although I didn't win the contest, they have invited me to come on the show and do a segment on November 16th! I am THRILLED and will be sure to post the details when I know more!
My son & daughter-in-law gave me an adorable binder divided into different catagories for recipes. It has divided page protectors for recipe cards and full page protectors for other recipes. I'll be moving my recipe cards and papers into it soon. Congratulations on your upcoming segment on Studio 5! I'll have to hurry home from work so I can watch!
Congrats on your segment on Studio 5!! Good Luck!!
oh yeah, I struggle with my dinner plans too, I am so tired of making the same dishes so I have been on the search for the last few days for some new recipes for my family.
Congrats on Studio 5 ... you must be so excited!
I struggle with dinners too as my husband is in School twice a week too! What I have started doing is making big meals on the weekend when I have more time and freezing the leftovers in single serve containers. That way each morning I just have to pull something out to thaw and when I get home I heat it up. It sure makes the weeks a lot easier for me. Good luck and I can't wait to see what cute solution you come up with :)
That is seriously awesome on your news, Mandy! Congrats!
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