So I mentioned a few posts ago, that I HATE to read. I guess it is just that I always have too many projects, and by the time I finally sit down to rest, I am too tired and fall asleep! Its killer enough trying to read my scriptures, let alone a book to read for fun.
So since Adam is constantly gone or studying, I decided to take the plunge ... I BOUGHT A BOOK! Has anyone read it?

I just love the TV Show
Castle and so I hope the book will be just as great. I just got it today and have a few items I need to complete before starting it, but I am pretty excited. Hopefully it doesn't end up like Twilight for me. (That is : don't ever finish it ... sorry Twilight fanatics ... it just wasn't my thing :)
So here's for crossing fingers.
Also, any advice on potty training books :) Yes, we are getting to that stage with Bryce and I am SO not excited. I found this website called ... it was a pretty convincing story to the book, but I am a little reluctant! Any advice would be great too!
I will be picking a winner of supplies tomorrow ... good luck to my great blog friends!
I hate reading too. I have been carrying this "book" around that I got at the library. I read like 50 pages and then the college football season started...
Let us know if it's a good book! I am not much of a twilight fan either I never finished :) I have just started reading the hunger games series.
I obviously have not come to this point in my life yet...I still need to have kids first!!
Fortunatly I'm privy to many conversations involving this potty training subject so I'm sure I will be AMAZING at it someday :)
Anyway I heard a good idea at work yesterday from a few of my female co workers. They purchased a vinyl cutout of a bulls eye target, completely drained their toilet and dried the area in the toilet bowl where they desired their little one
(or daddy) to aim at and then applied. They made sure it was dry and they say that it stays in place and they just replace it every few years or so. I'm curious to try!!
Anyway good luck Duds miss ya!
I just finished potty trainer my 3 year old. I have to say the biggest thing is waiting until they are ready. We pushed my now 6 year old and it took forever. With Elias he said he wanted big boy underwear and the next day he was wearing them. I just did a scrapbook page on potty training. Good luck.
My kids loved the Sesame Street characters so I Have To Go was a big hit. Here's the link: My dauhter also loved watching Baby Songs so we used this was in VHS at the time.) The song "Today I Took My Diaper Off" was a big hit in my house. LOL! I also gave my kids a penny every time they went. We stacked the pennies on their dresser and when my husband came home from work, he got to see just how successful the day was. Then the sat with their Dad and put the pennies into their bank. My daughter's bank played a song every time you dropped a coin in so that was an added bonus! Good luck.
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