Is there a question?
Well as of March 22 ... Adam and I will BE THERE! That is right ... a quick trip to the big island in HAWAII! I am so excited I can't contain myself. We are going to leave Bryson with my family and enjoy a week together before the baby is born. SO stoked, Can't WAIT, and about ready to fall over with excitement!
what?!? That's so exciting!! Too bad you aren't island hopping and come by to say hi!! I'm so happy for you and glad you are going to take a little break!
Wow, sounds amazing and smart to go before baby #2 arrives.
Just got my CK magazine today and have a few questions/comments for you. LOVE your work space and how realistic it was. I love all those features but often think the only way they would happen was in a dreamworld, not my reality. Yours was GREAT! Will you be able to keep it with baby #2?
LOVED the feature on the hidden elements. How do you put these into page protectors so they can be seen and used? I really like the concept to show more photos on a page but not sure how to make it useable in an album.
I am so jealous! Hope you have lots of fun.
Yea for you guys! We just got back from Maui and loved it! What made you decide on the Big Island?
Have soooo much fun!!! Hope to see you soon!
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