The winner of the Haircut goes to:

Congratulations Jennifer Slaugh! Email me your info so I can send you the certificate!
I also there is a few people who I didn't hear from on the Planner, so I thought I would pick two more winners!
Andrea said...
This would fit perfectly with my New Years Resolution. I'm trying to be more organized and to forget LESS. I also love that you can keep a journal in the same place as your schedule. Love your blog, and thanks for the chance to win such an awesome product.
Brandi said...
Wow Mandy, I'm newer to your blog and just read your post from last year about your health scare, congrats from the bottom of my heart. I have been going through my own scare and my nightmare won't be over until March...hopefully. As you did, I dug myself into a giant hole emotionally and I think this would be very therapeutic. Thanks for sharing and a chance of winning.
PLEASE email me your address' so I can get you your planners (and because it is already FEBRUARY! YIKES! Where does time go!)
Last but not least - An update on Potty Training.
Here is my dilemma ... I have to first of all, get pregnant, survive 9 months of getting fat, then nursing, then stopping nursing and getting saggy boobs, then deal with naughty terrible twos, and now potty training? Not only that but then we have to take birth control? Can't the men at least get the joy of Breast feeding, I mean COME ONE!
(My sister keeps telling me, you think that this is bad, wait until they are TEENAGERS!)
I appreciate the AWESOME comments and advice. I have taken your advice and did a potty chart, went to get potty treats at the dollar store

Not awesome, but not bad either. I think he might not have been fully ready when I started, however ... I think I am too far into it to stop and start again in a few months. I guess that is why you have a second child, so you can make up for the mistakes on the first, right?
As a THANK YOU for your awesome advice, here are the documents to print this chart yourself.
Click here for the chart and Potty Treat Bag decals.
Next, I turned 30! (January 18th) Why is it that we all get so weird when it comes to birthdays? Can't we just shout to the whole world? IT'S MY BIRTHDAY? Well I guess I can do that next year. For now I guess I'll move forward and enjoy the 30's while it lasts, right?

Next will be Bryson's Birthday ... I have a fun project teaser. It is going to take lots of work ... hence the reason my posting has lacked the last couple of weeks ... however I can't wait to show you the end results.

On top of all that here is what else I have been up to:
* Searching for houses
* Organizing all my mission pictures
* Preparing some design projects for a few companies
* Taking care of two CRAZY boys
* Balancing becoming a single mom for yet another semester
* Trying to stay warm
* Enjoying a fresh popped bowl of popcorn each night.
How was your January?
LOVE all those fabrics together!! can't wait to see what you made.
Potty training... he is old enough and ready. I did this method 3 Day Potty Training. You can look it up on line. Basically, get rid of the diapers, don't bother with pull ups. Stay home for 3 days. Put them in underwear and rush them to the bathroom every time they start to go. Treats, stickers, etc... all of that is necessary. Seriously, it worked although I was skeptical by noon on the 3rd day. He somehow magically got it by bedtime. It's so far the worst experience I have had in motherhood, but I think we are all happier with the outcome.
I have to agree with the 3 day potty training method except for my boys it took closer to a week (which is really hard to stay home for that long!). Since my kids are now 19, 16, & 10 I have to agree with your sister - as rough as it seems right now this is NOTHING compared to when they're teenagers!!!! I would go back to the little days in a heartbeat. Our January was crazy busy but not sure it compared to yours! Hope you have a calmer February!
Congrats on the potty training, I am doing that also, my little guy just turned three, he has no interest...and your sister is right about the teenagers...I have a 14 year old son and a 12 year old daugher. So far my daughter is a son on the other hand...potty mouth!!lol
do you think the same concept will work for cleaning?
how exactly are you doing the potty training? when do they get a treat?
Where di you get that cahrt?????
Do I have to pay to print this chart?
Thanks for the potty chart! I'm trying to potty train my 6th and what worked for the other's isn't working for him. Trying this before I call Grandma911. I found you via pinterest :)
I would LOVE your input on my issue - My daughter will turn 3 in April and she's been going pee and poop on the toilet, on and off (ha!), for 6 months. I didn't want to rush into it with her, but hoped we could piggy-back her self-motivation and on her friends' experiences at daycare. Now, I'm at home with her and her 5 month old brother...until further notice. She will go when we sit her ON the potty, but rarely initiates it...unless she wants candy, which has been our method of reward in the past (LOL - supermom, I know.). I also don't know if she can tell when she's pooped...We have talked a TON about listening to our bodies, stopping what we're doing and going to the toilet. Sometimes, she does great. Other times, terrible - She is very strong-willed.
I KNOW that she wants to wear big girl panties, so that's an incentive we'll use. She also really loves to hear encouragement from grandparents, friends, etc.
Thoughts on what I can do to figure this out?
I know that progress charts should ONLY talk about positives (and not mention negatives), but how do ya'll handle when your kiddo pulls his/her pants down to sit on the potty and she's already pooped and peed in there?!
Thanks for everything!
How do I print this card?
The link for the potty chart does not work. It just takes you to a GoDaddy website. :(
Make your own chart. It looks like it could take 5 minutes if you don’t get too detailed. Use a piece of paper in the house. Kids won’t care if it’s poster board size. The visual aid is enough for them. I think as mom’s we sometimes go overboard with details more for ourselves. I know I do!
Love this chart, and I am trying to print it, but its not letting me.
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