Bryson and I went to the Doctor on Monday for my 24 week check up and his 1 year appointment. They decided to do it all! First, Bryson is 90th percentile in height and 80th in weight! He also got five shots. Our baby is looking good and they say I am as healthy as ever. If it is the diet of pure sugar ... I think it is working :) One thing I love about my doctor is that he can do ultra sounds at every appointment and doesn't charge me. I got this picture today and just had to share!

Maybe this will inspire me to actually scrapbook Bryson's ultrasound pictures :)
Bryson also came down with a massive cough / cold yesterday. I feel so bad for the little guy! With little sleep last night, we are surviving though. I had a Young Womens activity last night and invited a friend of mine to teach us all to knit. I am extremely uncoordinated but determined to finish my project. I will post it when I am done (probably not soon though).
Last but not least, here are the home show picture additions!

This was metal sheeting they used on one of the walls in a boy's bedroom. I thought it was extra cool!

Last but not least ... I just loved these curtains. I have tried to find ideas for some in my bedroom and think I finally found the match. I think I am going to wait until we move to make them. No sense making curtains and matching them to a house we will only be in for a few more months!
Hope you enjoy!
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