
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thankful 5 & 6

November 5
SO thankful for good friends that last through the years! Went to dinner with a friend from High School, her husband, and two kids ... although it was a "food fight" he he ... it was great to be around people that have influenced my life in such a great way! Thanks for an awesome night at Brick Oven Maria & Doug!

November 6
I can't help but be so grateful for Sundays. The way we work Sunday's at our house is Church, resting, and enjoying family together. Today my parents invited us to dinner ... SO grateful I don't have to cook dinner! Every first Sunday of the Month, members of our congregation stand and express their love for the Savior. It is called Fast and Testimony meeting. We all are fasting, not partaking of food for 24 hours as a symbol of sacrifice for something or someone in need. As I have fasted today, I am grateful to be apart of such amazing Church that allows me the opportunity to feel of the Saviors love. I am grateful to be a daughter of God, and I am grateful that I am aware of the plan he has for me.

I hope you're all enjoying your wonderful Sunday!

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