
Friday, November 4, 2011


I got an email from Stampin' Up yesterday and wanted to give you all the heads up!

Stampin’ Up! will be offering FREE digital content November 4-7 in honor of Digital Scrapbooking Day!

It is FREE brand-new, exclusive digital content from Stampin’ Up!? Join Stampin' Up! as they celebrate Digital Scrapbooking day with a four-day online event. Check out the killer cute stuff they're offering!

Access your FREE downloads from, after completing a quick survey. Their downloads are compatible with most design software, so tell all your friends!

OH, here are yesterday's and today's Thankful moments!November 3 ... I had a headache ALL DAY LONG! So I have to say I was very thankful that the kids went to bed good, so I could lay on the couch and do NOTHING last night!
November 4, I am thankful it is Friday and I remembered it is going to snow tomorrow! Me and the boys raked the leaves and cleaned up the yard, in preparation for snow. Jumping in leaves are some of the moments I enjoy the most while watching my kids grow up! Who would have thought that a pile of leaves could make them SO happy!

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