
Tuesday, November 1, 2011


First off, I am just one of those people who celebrates the holidays in order. I like to Trick-or-Treat on Halloween, I like to eat Turkey on Thanksgiving, and GOOD HEAVENS ... I don't start celebrating Christmas until the day after Thanksgiving! (other than my Christmas Card party, and that is just to relieve stress ... not celebrate!) I can't tell you how many people on FB today were talking about listening to Christmas music today! YIKES!

So in honor of the THANKSGIVING SEASON, I am announcing what I am doing to enjoy this wonderful holiday!

For years, I have wanted to do a gratitude journal ... however with the rush of Halloween, November 1st comes along and smacks me in the butt! I thought about stressing, making a journal today and rushing to find something I was thankful for, but then I realized that it was going to 1. Stress me out, and 2. Make me think all the things I am not blessed with.

So I then came up with the concept of making the journal as I go throughout November, and having a HUGE reveal at the end of November of my thankful journal! What do you think! Want to come along in my journey? LETS DO IT!

I am thankful for a warm home to raise my boys in! It was a really blustery day today, and I was so grateful to have a warm home, a working furnace, and a place to protect my family!

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