
Monday, October 31, 2011

ALMOST ... A happy halloween!

I was getting ready to post some really cute Halloween pictures, and then I remembered that I left my camera with the cute pictures of halloween in my parents car! Guess you'll have to wait until tomorrow! Luckily I got one at the Halloween Parade as a teaser
Until then, here is the lo-down on our day:
Halloween Parade to see all of our cute cousin's and their costumes
Cheese tortillas cut out in a pumpkin shape for lunch
A little break at the park for mom and the kids
Boys take nap, I make taco soup, homemade bread, and pumpkin chocolate chip cookies
Daddy home a little early
Soup "Birthday" party for my sister!
Ending with a great episode of Castle!

What was your most favorite thing you did today?

Hope you all had a WICKED GOOD Halloween!


  1. Soooo cute! I love Halloween just to see all the little ones dressed up! Is it more fun for the kids or the parents? ;) You reminded me I forgot to watch Castle!

  2. It Was my sons first halloween and he had a tatse of his first sucker was scared of the pumpkin we carved to.
