
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Movie Night Details!

I had really great intensions to post all of this before my segment yesterday, but alas, life is what it is and I decided a good nights sleep was more important.

So I had a few emails and questions in regard to the food, so I thought I would give you a few more details about it!
First off, the Banner:
I created this last minute, but used the font BUDMO for the letters. Printed them out on White Cardstock, then attached them with pop dots. The red flags were simply plain white cardstock, and then some simple yellow ribbon. Came together really quick, but I love how it turned out!

 The Stars I simply just formed into a star cookie cutter. I melted DOVE Dark Chocolate and dipped half of them in it. Put some cute sprinkles on the chocolate when it was wet. I put them in the fridge to set up, then stuck a cute stripy straw in the bottom. Wrapped them cellophane, and tied it together with some glitter ribbon from American Crafts. To stick it in the popcorn bowl I used some florist foam, then stuck skewers into it. Put some tissue paper around the bottom and slid the straws onto each skewer! It was PERFECT!!
 Can't get by without those yummy "night crawers" (found at target) and Moon Pies (which either you like or your don't ... not my favorite to be honest.) The only place I could find them is one of those Sara Lee Bread outlets. There is one just off Main Street in American Fork.
The bingo Printable you can find HERE
Glow Sticks & Bracelets found at Walmart. Glow star wand at Dollar Star. Glow nail polish from Sally's Beauty Supply.

Popcorn Flavors are my Favorites! You can get them at Target, and well worth it!

 I loved making these cupcakes! The really weren't that hard ... I promise. Click HERE for instructions of how to do them. Click HERE for the cute printable label.
I saw these months ago and needed a great excuse to try them. The idea came from PLEASE visit the link to Pin this on Pinterest. Thanks much!

Please comment or email me if you would like more information!

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