My apologies for not being on top of my thankful list! What a week I have had.
So rather than giving you the list of things I have have been doing, I thought I would include it in my thankful list ... so starting with:
November 15: I don't think I disclosed anywhere that I watched 5 of my nephews and nieces last week! So that made 7 kids from ages 17 - 2! WHEW! With having Studio 5 on top of it all, it became a little stressful! On Tuesday night, Adam called me and told me he locked his car keys in his car at the University of Utah (a 40 minute drive away)! So we put a movie on in the car for the kids and headed up to Salt Lake. My kids weren't sleeping well at my sister's house, so we headed home to sleep for the night. I have to say, regardless of my sister's amazing king sized pillow top matress ... it just wasn't my bed. I am SO Thankful for my bed and a great nights sleep!
November 16: Have I mentioned how grateful I am to be a contributor for Studio 5? It is a dream come true! I am also so grateful for an amazing supportive family. My mom watched my kids, and my sister's youngest ... while my sister Tammy came to Salt Lake to help me set up. I couldn't have done it without them! Thanks SO much!
November 17: I was so grateful to have a day to just relax. Although I was still watching all the kids, it was a lot more relaxed than the two days before. My kids slept so much better at my sister's house, and I felt 100% better!

November 18: Adam and I got to go on a date to the Draper Utah Temple. This was the first time I had ever been to that temple, and it was gorgeous! After almost getting into a few car accidents because of weather, and it being dark outside ... I am thankful that I didn't reck, got to spend some much needed time with my hunny, and spent the night feeling so peaceful in the temple!
November 19: I usually go grocery shopping on Monday's, but seeing that we spent the week at my sister's house, I didn't have any food in my fridge. Not only was I grateful for Adam coming with me, and helping me so I could get done quickly, but I can't help but be thankful that we are able to go to the grocery store and get everything we need. We are so spoiled!
November 20: My mom and dad invited us to dinner with all of my kids and my sister's kids today. It was a much needed break from cooking, and such a yummy dinner. Is it just me, or does dinner always taste better when someone else makes it. We always tease my mom that she sprinkles "Suzy" dust on everything. Thanks once again mom, for an extra helping hand.
November 21: I absolutely love my nieces and nephews. I would watch them again in a heartbeat ... however today I am grateful to be back at my house with my two kids. I know there is a reason Heavenly Father has only given me one at a time. I love my boys, and if watching my sister's kids did anything for me ... it made me be a better mommy today to my two boys. I feel like the luckiest mom in the whole world!

November 22 - TODAY! I am so grateful that Adam didn't have school tonight, so that I could go to my Young Women's activity, and not have to find someone to watch my kids. He was such a great help, and I am so grateful for the cute Young Women I get to serve!
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