November 23
I am so grateful that we didn't have to travel somewhere for Thanksgiving, and that we got to spend time together as a family in our home, rather than on the road. I am also thankful, that as of tomorrow, I won't have to do the table arrangements again for another year ... he he he! SO fun, however, lots of work!
November 24
I have the GREATEST family in the whole world. (Sorry if you think yours might be better ... fat chance of that :) wink wink!
I am the youngest of 5 - 4 girls and 1 boy. I have 18 nephews and nieces, and all of us live within 20 minutes of each other! My family is my best and I am SO thankful to have each member a part of my life.


* I brought pumpkin pie and was in charge of table settings (shocker I know :) wink wink!
* Spent the morning finishing last touches, while Adam enjoyed his day off with the boys.
* Dinner at 2:30 pm at my sister Marney's house (4 blocks away!)
* The tables settings were a HUGE hit, especially with the little ones, and the family trivia was a riot! Everyone enjoyed it!
* Forgot to get my key lime cheesecake out of the fridge ... and I have been enjoying all of it this week by myself!
* Played games (wacky 6)
* Geared up for Black Friday
November 24/25 BLACK FRIDAY

So I have never done the Black Friday sales in my whole life. I wanted to find out what all of the big talk was all about. So with some friends we went to Walmart at 10:00! CRAZINESS I am telling you! It was super fun!
Then there was Target at midnight ... not as much fun! The line took 2 hours to get through. And Old Navy last! The line was so long, that we bagged it and went home at 3:15.
Adam woke up at 4:30 to go to Best Buy and Smiths Marketplace. Home and got a few hours of sleep.
Next was RC Willy, 10:00 am ... complete waste of time.
The rest of the day was spent shopping for FURNITURE! Adam and I decided that our gifts to each other for Christmas would be furniture for our house. We went home for naps, frustrated with no luck.
I have to say ... would I do it again? Maybe ... but I think the getting up early thing is better for me than staying up late. I am thankful that at the end of the day on the 25, our good family friend, going to massage therapy school, was offering free massages for practice! I am SO thankful for 1 1/2 of amazingness ... something every person needs after Black friday!
November 26
Thankful I talked Adam into going to Gardner Village ... and guess what! We found our furniture ... here is a hint ...

November 27
Thankful I had a full 4 days with my husband home. I am so sad it has to end, but can't wait until Christmas Break!!
I got a Nap after Church! Much needed ... seeing that I am getting sick
November 28
Thankful for a Washer and Dryer. Although I HATE doing laundry, I am grateful I don't have to wash by hand!
November 29

(oh and my wonderful parents who watched my kids while I was at Young Womens tonight! They even brought take out from Olive Garden for dinner. Everyone needs parents like the two I have! I am so lucky!!)
November 30
I am SO Thankful for all of you amazing friends, family, and people who follow my blog (regardless of how sporadic I am at updating!) I am grateful for your sweet comments and friendships I have made through this thing I call a Blog. You have changed my life!!
Twin Over Full bunk bed must be perfect for big families of six or more. This can maximize the sleeping arrangements especially if space is limited.
The couches look amazing! Can't wait to see them in person soon. Excited to come back to the mainland and see my friends! Loved your studio 5 segment as well. You're a natural.
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