
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Lets finish up 2010 shall we?

Christmas was such a crazy season for me. What I needed was a good week or two, recuperating with my husband! Thanks for your patience with me as I get my life in order. I have lots of fun things to tell you, however I didn't feel like it was fair to leave you hanging on the rest of my 25 days until Christmas Countdown. Sorry for the long wait!

On day 23 ... we headed to Thanksgiving Point to look at the lights, and the car line was CRAZY long. It would have taken us 2 hours ... so we headed and got an Ice Cream Cone at JCW's. Not the most incredible holiday activity, however we were together as a family, and that is what made it a great holiday evening!

For Christmas Eve ... We started out the day sledding. It has been a Christmas tradition in my family for years. I forgot my camera for the evening events ... but sledding is always followed by a dinner with soup and scones, decorating sugar cookies for Santa, and this year we did a scavenger hunt for the kids to find great things that symbolize Christmas, and then tell the children what they mean! (Candy Cane, Star, etc). It was awesome.

Last was opening Christmas Jammies!
This year I couldn't find jammy pants that were all matching for the boys. So I bought a pair of pants for Adam at Target, then I got another pair that were the same but that were XXXL. I cut two pair of pants out for the boys ... and WALA! For $4 each, I had pants for my boys!

Christmas Morning was awesome and it was SO much fun that the boys were able to open their own presents and LOVED playing with all their new toys!!

Adam had an ENTIRE week off of School and work, so rather than spending time on my computer ... I enjoyed being with my little family.

We enjoyed a day skiing with Adam's brother, nephew and niece.
Watching movies, watching football, drinking hot cocoa ... trying to stay warm (it was CRAZY cold here in Utah) ... doing our annual one puzzle a year, {Mug from my cute friend Becky ... LOVE IT! Thanks Becks! (from anthropology}
...and taking down Christmas. I have to say, it was a relief after looking at my poor little Christmas tree ... those of you who have ever had a 2 year old and or 18 month old will understand why my decor looks so sad!

It was a wonderful season, a great week, and now reality of life is back. I have more updates for you about the new year ... but I think I will leave that for another post tomorrow! Hope your Christmas was amazing!
Merry Christmas AND Happy NEW YEAR!!

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