
Monday, December 6, 2010

6th day before Christmas

Tonight we will be gathering together for a special family home evening. We are getting together with all my siblings and their families to prepare the 12 days of Christmas for families in need. We decided that we have more than we need, and rather than getting gifts for each other, we would take the money spent and serve others. Because we wanted to make sure that the kids still enjoyed serving, we decided to do this. I would LOVE to attach the cute tags we are using, but just know that they will be posted in a few days. :)

Instead, lets kick off the week with a giveaway!

It is such a great time to remember the things about the seasons you're living right now. In this Issue: I created a little seasonal album that describes the different things we do each season. Here is a little snip-it from the article.

Although CK could only disply one of the pages, I decided to include in the email the other pages in this little album!

Leave a note telling me your favorite thing about the Christmas Season, and enter to receive a copy of this AWESOME special Issue from CK. Contest ends Wednesday! GOOD LUCK!


  1. Love your pages super cute...

    What I love about Christmas, is seeing the joy on my little girls faces on Christmas morning and being to spend the day with family and loved ones...

  2. I love all the fun memories that are always created at Christmas time and getting together with family that I haven't seen in a long time.

  3. I feeling so cozy in our home with all the decorations and tree up. And how cheerful and giving everyone (mostly) gets.

  4. I love all the lights. It's so dark this time of the year, so all the little lights are very welcome to me!

  5. I love all the Christmas music!

  6. I love spending time with my family that we don't get to see very often. I also love watching my kids open their gifts on Christmas morning.

  7. Tonight is the 6th night of Hanukkah and we are going to a party. For me celebrating with friends and love ones is what it is about. :)

  8. My favorite part of the Christmas season is that both my husband (a teacher) and I (an admin secretary) work for the local school district so we always get to spend at least two weeks at home or traveling with our boys. We love family time and this affords us the opportunity to spend more time with our boys during the craziness we call December. Great give-away. I've been eyeing that magazine--hope I win it. Happy Holidays! LOVE your idea of giving--we will have to incorporate that into our holiday this year.

  9. Love the pages! My favorite thing about Christmas is spending time with family!!

  10. One of my favorite things about the holidays is that everyone is in a good mood!!!

  11. I love all the time with Family! We have a Christmas party with each side of our families I love to be will all of them. I love the Christmas lights I could drive around and look at them for hours. I also love going to Temple Square looking at the lights and feeling of the wonderful spirit there.

  12. Kate aka stinkydudetteDecember 6, 2010 at 5:21 PM

    My fave thing about the holiday is beng surrounded by family and the food!! lol.. And putting up decorations and lights!! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. My favorite part about the holidays are spending time with our family and our 2 sweet boys!

  14. My favorite part about the holidays are spending time with our family and our 2 sweet boys!

  15. I like imagining the look on a family member's face as I wrap that special gift for them. I enjoy the time spent together, but I also enjoy the time I spend thinking about friends and family as I decorate, bake, and shop. It's all good!

  16. My children get to see giving to others in need in action - they are old enough to be a part of our family traditions that include giving to others. Also, this year, finally! they have some real opinions on their gifts and such!

  17. I love coming home from school at Christmas time. I love spending time with family. I also love getting a break from studies to scrap!

  18. I love all the family time- extended and immediate. Decorating the tree, baking cookies, exchanging gifts.....all the traditions that bring the family together. Plus, all the beautiful pictures that come out of it!

  19. I love seeing the anticipation in my grandchildren and the joy they share! Love theh seasons album you talented!

  20. How wonderful of you and your family to reach out to those in need...if all the world could adapt such goodness imagine the world our babies would see. Happy Holidays and thank you for the chance to win one of these magazines!

  21. I love having the family home at Xmas, skating, tobaggoning and snow angels

  22. I love the focus on God, family, and tradition.

  23. My favorite part of Christmas is the big gathering of all our family.

  24. your pages look fantastic! my favorite part of Christmas is the fascination of my little ones, the looks on their faces, it's just majical! thanks for the chance to win :)

  25. I love putting up the tree and listening to Christmas music. Thanks for the chance.

  26. I love the holiday spirit everyone seems to have.

  27. Christmas music! We only get to listen to it for one month---I drink in as many of those moments as I can!

  28. I love the smells of the season. A smell can remind you of your childhood or a memory and so many of these smells are special to Christmas. Everytime I smell our Christmas tree, i remember my childood.

  29. I love the Christmas markets here in Germany.

    Nicole, Germany

  30. What I love about Christmas is seeing the look of the the kids as they open up their presents on Christmas day. Of course, all my kids/grandkids are older now so spending time with family and friends is what's important to me now!

  31. I love giving gifts. It is so exciting when you find just the right thing to give.

  32. I DO LOVE THE FAMILY-get-togethers!
    Not the presents, Not the millions of Cookies,...MY FAMILY! (;

    Have a wonderful season!
    from the BlackForestRegion/Germany

  33. the best thing about Christmas is the whole spirit of giving and sharing. out of all the holidays i spend here in Singapore, Christmas reminds me of God's faithfulness and love and i love the whole peaceful and joyous atmosphere the season brings! (:

  34. The best thing about Christmas is giving the "perfect gift" to my children!

  35. The best thing about Christmas for me is seeing hw excited my kids get. I hope they never lose their awe and wonder of the season!

  36. I admit it, I love the cookies!! ;)he he

  37. Could you tell us how you made this little book or do we need to buy the magazine for that? I would like to do this as a hybrid project,but I have no idea how to set up a template for this. Any ideas?

  38. I absolutely love your little album Mandy - I know I'm too late for the giveaway but wanted to tell you anyway ;-D

  39. I love magazines from CK. I subscribe to their bi-monthly magazine. It would be wonderful to win this special issues.
