
Sunday, September 12, 2010

And the Winner is:

According to my Random Generator:


Wendy said...

You're very generous! I have a hard time purging my crafting space.
I'm now a "follower" of your blog (which I love reading).

Congratulations Wendy! Send me your email address and I will get you a box of goodies sent off this week!!



  1. Congrats Wendy on winning and congrats to Mandy for purging her craft area. :)

  2. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! I'm very excited!

  3. Hey Mandy ...
    Haven't seen your blog before but ended here after looking thru some AC design stuff. So great to hear some of the bits and pieces of what you are up to. And I had to send a note because my brother is married to Camille's sister Laura. How random is that?!! Crazy how life goes in circles like that. I heard she was working on a cookbook, so fun to see it here. Hope to see you again out and about!!

  4. well - how are you doing with Adam in school? Hope the reading helps..I read alot more now too :) miss ya ang

  5. You made me cry with your post about over thinking everything and comparing yourself to everyone else on the planet. I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have to watch my thoughts when I check up on all my amazing friends and make sure I get inspired by them rather than discouraged that I'm not them. This usually happens with people I've not seen in years or don't really know. It's easy to just see their happy day photos and think they've got it all together. Thanks for that post! You ARE a super star and I'm glad super stars have their moments too!
