
Tuesday, May 25, 2010

11 Months and 24 Days

If you had told me that Chad wouldn't crawl until he was almost 1 year old ... I would have laughed and said "Not my child!"

Don't we all say that! ... my child won't get a snotty nose, my child won't throw a temper tantrum, my child will read when he is 1 year old, etc. etc. etc. Oh the joys of the reality of Motherhood!

But yesterday, he finally did it! I AM SO PROUD OF THIS BOY! We thought it would happen while we were on our cruise, but NOPE! (Bryson started to crawl while I was out of town for work, so I figured it would just be my luck!) Then I thought, HAPPY MOTHERS DAY! He will give me the perfect Mother's Day gift. EHHHH you're wrong again! BUT YESTERDAY, it was the day!

Here is a video to prove it! (I know these mommy videos are ultra boring, so I don't post any of them, but I just can't go without today, because it changed my life!


  1. The video is adorable. What a cutie! And I love the post, especially the part 'my child won't get a snotty nose.' I was one of those moms. And now I'm a mom of a consistantly snotty nose toddler... I won't even mention the tantrums;).

  2. That is the best thing ever. I'm so happy!! He is adorable.

  3. oh my goodness! that boy is such a cutie! He looks so much like little Bryson! (ok, I should stop saying that Chad looks like other people) haha

  4. Ohh thats soo sweet!! Very cute!
