
Friday, December 16, 2011

Photo Gifts on Studio 5 + GIVEAWAY!!

As always, I had a blast on Studio 5 today! I lucked out and was joined by my amazing husband, and some Christmas Shopping too! What a well needed fun day!

So rather than end with the giveaway, shall we start with the giveaway? I think that is a GREAT idea!

1 | Photo Daily Planner

So my first photo gift was one of these AWESOME planners!I told more detail about them on my blog last January. Click here to see the post.

The idea around this book is to record a bullet point record of your daily life, then include pictures of yourself each month to show a history. It is a simple scrapbook, however it has been my favorite record keeping journal that I have done. This is my third year doing these journals, and I have to say it has Changed my life!

To order for gifts, they will be shipped from New York on Monday. Be sure to enter promo code MDUT5 It will give customers 40% off + Free Shipping on 2012 MyBook Planners as an introductory special! Because you might have to expedite shipping to get it there in time for Christmas, please include this in the notes. If you have questions, please be sure to contact Perannum.

Be sure to leave a comment on how this could "CHANGE YOUR LIFE"! 2 Lucky readers will get one of these planners and have the chance to try it out for 2012!
Get a second chance by following my blog!
I will pick a winner on Sunday!!

2 | Photo ornaments / Birthday magnets

I just want to thank Jamie from the Crafting chicks for her awesome idea of using Juice lids for ornaments. You can see her post about this by clicking here.

I loved Jamie's ornament idea, and decided to take it one step further. I used photoshop to create the darling picture decals of my nephews and nieces. Included on the decals is their Birthdate. Each year the pictures get outdated, so rather than just using these ornaments for a few weeks this year, use them all year round. Simply cut off the ribbon, and attach a magnet to the back. Use them on your fridge, or even these awesome magnet strips from Ikea, to remember the Birthdays of your loved ones. I put them on one month at a time.

Start saving those juice lids! Christmas time is a great time for making wassail, and enjoying juice for breakfast!

3. Frame necklace

My next project is one that I searched for! Now I know that this is one that is well used, and has been around for a few years, so I wanted to give you another way of customizing these darling chunky necklaces. This charm is from Stampin' up! and would be a good idea to order ASAP if you want it in time for Christmas! For Preferred pricing, my sister-in-law is a demonstrator and can give you her preferred pricing discount by following this link.
Go to home decor, then charms and chains to find the Simply Adorned collection!
I collected the pictures of the nephews and nieces from my husbands side and simply created a collage of them in photoshop. I printed them off on photopaper, then simply placed it in the necklace. I can't wait to give this to my Mother-in-Law! She will love it!

If you are last minute, and don't have time to order these in order to get them in time for Christmas, I have been told that you can go to Heartland Paper Co. in Bountiful, and I found these at Dear Lizzy in Highland. Much more expensive, and in my opinion, not as cute, however they would work okay too!

4 | Instagram frame

It seems like there are ideas popping up right and left, using those darling instagram photos. Although the idea I found originally from Talia Christine here, I adapted it to easy found items at Star Mill in American Fork, Utah. If you don't live near, I am sure you could find similar items at your local antique store.

It started with going to get a window frame. Then I found these antique slides and just couldn't resist! With a few tacks and some chicken wire, this turned out to be an awesome project. I loved changing out the photos and placing my Christmas Cards there. I have it hanging in my entry way, and it a perfect place to display all of those beautiful photo gifts that I receive in the mail each day in December.

5| Iphone photo case

There are so many photo projects that are all over the internet, however I found this one that stood out!

I found these iphone cases here at discountphotogifts.comThey also just came out with ipad customizable cases too! The company is located in Miami, FL so in order to get them for Christmas, you are going to have to do quicker shipping, which will also mean more $. Be sure to enter the PROMO code: UTAH for a $5 discount. This discount is available until Jan 1, 2011 and is only available on the iphone cases!


I thought that it would be fun this year to personalize each gift with photos of the person it is being given to. Since Bryce is only 3 and Chad is 2, they don't quite know how to read yet ... so this way they can tell which gift is theirs. Another idea I haven't done but thought would be fun to do was to put photos from the past. don't you think it would be cute to put pictures of your loved ones when they were small on their gifts? Just a thought!
Please email me if you have any questions!

OH and don't for get to enter the giveaway!!


  1. I LOVE the bullet point journal idea! Just quick and easy, not an all-day long event of writing in your journal.
    This would change my life for 2012 because in April I am expecting a baby girl! So far, I have been awful at recording all the happenings of my pregnancy and this would help me so so much! This is my 1st pregnancy and I want to remember every detail!!

  2. I like scrapbooking and attempt to keep a journal but it seems like I am good at for a week or two happens and I forget for a while. But I am addicted to and can't live without my dayplanner. I write everything going on in it and to be able to personalize it and make it a keepsake would change my life. This photo journal calendar idea is awesome!

  3. I love the journal. I haven't written in one in years and I need a quick way to record the cute things my kids do. This would change my life because I would no longer feel guilty for not keeping a journal and this would make it sooo easy!

  4. Amazing ideas Mandy! Always new and fun ideas! This planner is perfect for making it all your own! It would change my life by helping me center on all the good things that happen so that I don't forget them!

  5. As a full time employee, full time student and full time mom to 3 daughters this is about the only journaling/scrapbooking I can fit in my life right now. I love this idea!!! P.S. I am also now following your blog. LOVE IT!

  6. Such cute ideas! I always love it when your on studio 5! Also, what a great way to record what you've done that day and be able to reflect on the month in a quick glance. I also love the picture idea!

  7. I love this daily photo journal idea! I take a picture every day of my baby for her first year using the project life book. I did this with my two year old as well. This would change my life because I can jot down the cute things my kids do and say and then put it in their book later when I print the pictures.

  8. I just heard about them and would love one! It'd change my life by:

    1-keeping my organized
    2-i can't depend on my memory, or post-its or scraps of paper anymore!
    3-i'm not the best or quickest scrapper, so simple and foolproof is good for me!
    4-i miss writing & keeping a journal
    5-i need something to help me unwind & de-stress at the end of the day!

    Thanks for the chance to win my own photo planner!

  9. I subscribe to your blog via RSS. Thanks for the chance, I'd love to be one of the lucky two to receive a photo planner and gain me some peace in 2012!

  10. Great job today! I'd love to enter your giveaway! The photo journal could change my life by helping me record my pregnancy and first year of my new baby who is due next year. This is baby #4 for me and I seem to get further and further behind with each child on recording all the things I need too.
    Thank for the chance! I'm a follower as well! :)

  11. Loved seeing your ideas on Studio 5! The photo planner is such a great idea! I'm the worst when it comes to journaling. This would be doable!!

  12. Oh my goodness I love all the great ideas that you shared today on Studio 5. Getting this 2012 planner will for sure change my life for next year because I am expecting twin girls this March! I am a first time mom and let me just say I am overwhelmed with emotion. This planner would for sure help me to keep organized and write down those cute things each girl does each day and to see how my life will change come next year. Thank you so much for the chance to win this planner!!!

  13. Mandy you are awesome! Love what you have done!

  14. Photo Daily Planner could change my life by keeping me organized - everything in one place and it would be a quick scrapbook of the year also

    thanks for the chance to win one.


  15. This would change my life because I'd be more likely to record all the awesomely adorable things my two kids say!

  16. It would change my life because it would help me to remember all the little things that go on each day. I love the idea!

  17. I love the idea of this journal. I've always had a hard time keeping a journal but this seems so *doable* to me. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  18. this will change my life by finally giving me a rundown/journal of the year including photos!

  19. I havent recorded a daily journal since I was making top ten lists of the guys in my life- that was about 30 years ago fyi ;)
    So this journal would certainly change my life for the better. I tried to order one with the promo code, but I must have been a day too late. So Ill go for the win
    Great job Mandy
